PHE Manitoba hosted their awards evening in-person and presented the following awards to recognize outstanding contributions in physical and health education for the 2023-2024 school year. A special thank you goes out to all nominators, presenters, and recipients for making the PHE Manitoba Awards a success! Congratulations to the following receipents!
Diane Dow (Winnipeg School Division) PHE Manitoba Physical Educator Early Years Award
Elke Wurr (Winnipeg School Division) PHE Manitoba Physical Educator Senior Years Award
Norbert Mercredi Innovator Award
Blair Robillard Builder Award
Amy Moyer Norman East Regional Recognition Award
David Kopecky Parkland Regional Recognition Award
Brook Crawford (University of Winnipeg) Dick La Page Scholarship
Marcus Cabral (University of Winnipeg) Dick La Page Scholarship
Trever Penner PHE Manitoba Middle Years Physical Educator Award